Ireland retirement benefits insights

The retirement benefits landscape in Ireland is undergoing significant transformation. This change has significant implications for sponsoring employers, trustees and pension scheme members.

The occupational retirement benefits landscape in Ireland is undergoing significant transformation due to a raft of new legislation, regulation and policies. The introduction of the new IORP II regime, plans for a new automatic enrolment retirement savings system, and the rapid growth of master trusts, to name just a few developments, are changing how defined benefit and defined contribution schemes operate and how employers provide retirement benefits.

Defined contribution (DC) plans are considering their options for managing the enhanced regulatory obligations. While there has been a marked shift to fully-outsourced master trust solutions in the DC space, many employers are still opting to modify their schemes to meet the obligations under IORP II. Defined benefit (DB) plan sponsors continue to face many challenges both in terms of increased regulation and macro-economic factors affecting funding requirements. Employers and trustees are having to be take a more strategic and proactive approach to managing risks.

Please read our latest pensions update

This update covers:

- Auto-Enrolment (AE)

- State Pension 

- Review of the Standard Fund Threshold (SFT) Regime 

- Pensions Authority 

- Finance Act 2024

- Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

- IORP II Governance 

Archive of recent Ireland pension benefits insights and updates

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